The Very Hungry Hobbit
by Jeremy Barb, written by Kristin Barb
with Apologies to JRR Tolkien & Eric Carle
In a hole in the ground a little hobbit slept.
On Sunday morning the warm sun came up and out of the hole
came the little--and very hungry--
He started to look for some food.
On Monday he ate one apple cake.
But he was still hungry.
On Tuesday he ate two slices of bread with pear preserves, and one apple cake.
But he was still hungry.
On Wednesday he ate three plum puffs, two slices of bread with pear preserves, and one apple cake.
But he was still hungry.
On Thursday he ate four strawberry pies, three plum puffs, two slices of bread with pear preserves, and one apple cake.
But he was still hungry.
On Friday he ate five biscuits with orange marmalade, four strawberry pies, 3 plum puffs, 2 slices of bread with pear preserves, and 1 apple cake.
But he was still hungry.
On Saturday he ate one carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, one plate of eggs n' onions, one plate of nice crispy bacon, one wedge of cheese, one bowl of vegetable medley, one raspberry tart, 1 sausage, 1 jar of blackberry jam, one bowl of coney stew with taters, and one mushroom pie.
That night he had a stomachache!
The next day was Sunday again. The hobbit ate one nice hobbit-sized breakfast and after that he felt much better.
After that he didn't eat all his favorite foods at once. He spaced them out between breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper.
And he lived happily ever after, till the end of his days.
The End
Wow this story is awesome! Perfect for parents like you two!