Friday, December 5, 2014

Favorite End Credit Songs from Jackson's LOTR & Hobbit Trilogies

Coming in last, the song whose only major fault is simply not being as good as the other 5, even coming from a soundtrack that is one of my Top 3...

6.  GOLLUM'S SONG (Emiliana Torrini).  LOTR: The Two Towers

Next comes a song that I prefer the movie version of vs the end credits version, but I love that the songs for The Hobbit movies took their lyrics from the poems & songs of The Professor himself.

5. SONG OF THE LONELY MOUNTAIN (Neil Finn).  TH: An Unexpected Journey

Hearing this song in the theater was EPIC, especially following Smaug's golden exit from the mountain.  I AM FIRE, I AM DEATH!!!

4. I SEE FIRE (Ed Sheeran).  TH: Desolation of Smaug

The Top 3 are all songs I adore.  #3 introduced me to one of my favorite singers, who I think is perfection at singing anything Elvish.

3. MAY IT BE (Enya).  LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring

This one is not only a fabulous song, but it's BILLY BOYD.  I absolutely love that Peter Jackson asked Pippin to sing the final song of Middle Earth.

2. THE LAST GOODBYE (Billy Boyd).  TH: Battle of the Five Armies

And my undisputed Top Song, from my undisputed Top Movie...

1.  INTO THE WEST (Annie Lennox).  LOTR: Return of the King

Do you agree with my list?  What would you change?

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