Friday, February 8, 2013

You Know You're a Geek When...

10. The cover of a book can cause righteous indignation or absolute adoration. (Character representation! I should have a pretty good sense of the content from the cover.)
Good cover: Aslan in all his golden glory on the cover of The Chronicles of Narnia (complete collection). Epic.
Bad cover: The blonde on the cover of Anne of Green Gables. Seriously?!
Also: The Hobbit cover with the creepy Gollum and the fat, stupid looking Bilbo. Bad. The awesome drawing on The Silmarillion cover...So good I used it as the background of my wedding program.

9. Using A BOOK ILLUSTRATION as the background of your wedding program. Moving on...

8. Referencing either the Lord of the Rings book appendices or Extended Edition movie appendices, or both, in conversation.

7. The Star Wars Wiki page pops up automatically when you type SW in your internet search.

6. You have a Pinterest board that has been taken over by Doctor Who, Star Wars, LOTR, and/or Firefly references and/or products.

5. You take your 2 year old by the hand and your first conscious thought is "Come along Pond!"

4. Your daughter is named for a former Imperial assassin turned Jedi Master and also shares a middle name with the Queen of Great Britain.

3. You actually understand a majority of Josh Barb's Facebook statuses.

2. "I know" is the expected response to "I love you".

1. "Hello Sweetie" has replaced almost all other greetings in your vocabulary.

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