Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Way We Do Things

I tend to get domestic right before bedtime. My parents can attest to this. 11 PM rolls around and suddenly I'm in the mood to do the dishes I was complaining about doing at 7. Sadly, for me, I didn't always have the freedom to do the dishes whenever I felt like it, I had to do them when my parents felt like it was time for me to do them...Which was usually at the "normal" time called "right after supper". ;)

All that to explain why at 11:30 PM I'm emptying the dishwasher that has held clean dishes in it since last night. And why I'll probably be washing the other dishes still in the sink after I post this blog. And why the pile of Aedan's toys and the blanket lying on the couch in my peripheral vision is driving me nuts even as I type.

For the record, I do not have OCD. I have been accused of this since being caught in college sorting my M&Ms by color before eating them. But I am not OCD. If I was, I would always sort my M&Ms and I would probably always eat them in the same color order, neither of which I do consistently, though I do like to eat the warm colors before the greens and blues.

I do however have "methods". Especially in my kitchen. Ok, perhaps only in my kitchen. ... No, pretty much all over the house. The toothpaste has a "spot". My hairbrush has a "spot". The washcloths are usually all folded so that the fold faces out when they're put away. I think it looks neater. When I clean up Aedan's toys, the tall ones go in back and the short ones are lined up in front. The blanket on the ocuch goes on a certain way and the pillow goes in a certain corner, "just so".

And the dishwasher is loaded and unloaded according to the best method for getting as much in it as absolutely possible. And, I will confess, if someone other than myself tries to do me a favor by filling the dishwasher or putting dishes away in the cabinets--thank you by the way, I appreciate the gesture--I always re-do it. I confess. I always do.

And I was planning on telling you more about this, but Aedan has just decided to start crying and by the time that's taken care of, it will be past midnight and I will no longer have time to write a blog about how I organize my kitchen cabinets.

So goodnight. :)

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