Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's starting to get more real. We have a crib in pieces in what is now officially the nursery. Non-maternity clothes, with the exception of a few shirts, are just too darn uncomfortable. He has an identity--a name. [Aedan: Fiery, strong spirit. Lee: Shelter from the storm.] He's moving and I'm beginning to feel him more and more. It used to be just in the evening, but now its spread out through the day.

I was thinking about his personality today and I won't lie--When I imagine my son I imagine a mini-Jeremy. He may have my nose, my hair, or my eyes--but he's going to be ALL BOY, just like his papa. Jeremy is--and was growing up--a fascinating combination of archeologist (aka Indiana Jones), Ranger (Aragorn--LOTR), gun-slinger (Han Solo meets Wild West), and Jedi Master rolled into one with a dash of Oxford don (Tolkien/Lewis) thrown in for good measure. The dinosaurs, Legos, guns, cars, football, outside adventure, dirt-doesn't-hurt, fantasy/sci-fi, good guys/bad guys, going hunting with Daddy at age 3 type.

He will, however, also learn from his papa (and mama) things that Jeremy learned from his mom growing up--respect, obedience, how to cook, and that shopping CAN be fun.

As for me, I'll love him, cuddle him, sing to him, kiss his boo-boos, help him learn that mama and papa are a single entity that cannot be manipulated, introduce him to the world of Narnia, read lots of books, give him his Robitussen in chocolate milk, and teach him how to build Lego masterpieces (along with some old fashioned math and color lessons thrown in).

And maybe, just maybe, he'll grow up to be just like his daddy. <3

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